Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Life on the familiar road

The one great thing about traveling by same old Minneapolis to Dallas-Fort Worth route is running into all the familiar faces.

There was Tom at the American Airlines gate in Minneapolis.  We chatted about the United - Continental merger and mostly about flying small regional jets.

Rita from Iowa walked up to take the same Dallas flight.  I usually see her on Thursdays on the return trip.  This was the first time I'd seen her on a Monday morning.  We got caught up on travel stories.  We rode the rental car bus together in Dallas and did some more catching up on work stuff.

I contacted Aneela at the Hilton Anatole.  She invited me out for drinks at the new Media Bar in the hotel.  There were some other Hilton clients with her so I got to meet new people.  Aneela picked up the tab for all of us including dinner.  She is so incredibly nice.  We all laughed and told stories.  I was able to burn off some steam about work.  It was great.

And this morning I got to see Donna and Soledad in the 25th floor Executive Lounge for breakfast.  They are always so friendly and helpful.  Donna commented on my new glasses.

Life on the road that is frequently traveled does have its advantages.  Seeing familiar faces and hearing stories.

1 comment:

bunny said...

how cool is that? aneela bought drinks and dinner:) i bet it's nice to have friends like that when you are "on the road again"!