Friday, May 21, 2010

Home but whipped

Made it home about 10:30 this morning.  The red-eye from San Francisco to Dallas was late leaving.  So instead of taking off at 12:40am, it was more like 1:15am.

I didn't get upgraded to first class.  The wait list for upgrades was probably 15 deep.  And to add insult to injury I had a middle seat!  I took two Tylenol with sleep aid.  The flight is less than 3 hours when heading to Dallas.  I actually slept some but it some very awkward and uncomfortable positions.

We landed about 6am local time in Dallas.  My flight to Minneapolis was taking off at 7:35am.  It left on time and I was in first class.  I was asleep before the rest of the passengers got on.  When I woke up I thought we were still taxing to the runway.  Turned out we were already in the air.

Had breakfast on flight and we landed pretty much on time.  I'm very glad to be home but not looking forward to the same travel arrangements already set for next week.

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