Monday, February 1, 2010

Ford Flex

Finally a new vehicle to rent.  Back at National Car Rental where you get to pick your vehicle.  I wouldn't normally pick a large rental like the Ford Flex but I've been wanting to test one and figured I wasn't driving very much.

From the outside, it looks quite large and is shaped like a shoe box.  The floor is low though so easy to get in and out of.  The front seats sit on a pedestal so you ride high like a truck.  The pedestal kind of makes it cramped for your feet though.

The ride is very smooth and being up high and with plenty of glass, it is very easy to see around.  There is an available third row of seats.  They were in the seat position when I picked up the vehicle and I tried to lower them for my suitcase but couldn't figure it out.  There was a Ford Flex commercial on tv during the week and the lady had her hands full of groceries and flipped the seats with one hand.  I was able to after seeing the commercial.

There was one big problem.  The merge ramps to get on the highways around Texas are not very long and Texas drivers are not good mergers.  I floored the gas pedal to get me in the traffic but the Flex had a really hard time finding a gear and the vehicle actually started to swerve as the engine over-reved.  It was more than a little scary but I let up on the gas and it calmed itself.

I cannot recommend the Ford Flex given the above reaction.

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