Friday, February 5, 2010

Tide-to go is a no go

I went out to lunch yesterday to have pho.  Pho is a vietnamese soup with noodles and meat and sprouts which is very good and perfect on a cold, damp day like it was yesterday.  I use chop sticks to get the big parts and a spoon to get the juicy parts.

As would be expected with me, my shirt got splashed on.  And since this was a beef pho, the splashes were greasy.  I had plans to go see a play later in the evening and wouldn't have time to change shirts so I purchased a Tide To-Go instant stain remover stick at the Kroger...which for you Minnesotas I usually refer to as Bylerly's.

According to the directions, you just push the stick on the stain to release the cleaner then rub with the stick's tip.  Well, I did that....and did that...and did that.

My orange red grease specks turned into blue-green and orange-red big blobs.  The Tide To-Go removed a little bit of the stain but created a much bigger stain with its own chemicals.

I must say that I would not ever use this thing again.

1 comment:

jaalspa said...

Tide To-Go follow up. Washed the shirt that had all the stains and they didn't wash out. The Tide To-Go stick ruined the shirt!