Friday, February 26, 2010

Friends along the way

Traveled home last night and met old and new friends along the way.

A co-worker and friend is working in Bentonville, Arkansas.  She flies through Dallas to get home in Denver.  We met this and last week at the A24 Food Court to catch up on work stories.

While I was waiting for Mindy, I fellow IBMer that I worked with in Chicago walked by.  Hadn't seen Scott in a couple years.  We caught up on stuff for a few minutes.

On the plane I had a nice chat with my row-mate.  He travels a lot for work so we shared road warrior stories.  And also in first class was Rita who I've mentioned here before.  We walked up the terminal hallway together to exchange more road warrior stories. She had been able to get out of Dallas the day of the snow storm by catching an earlier flight.

It makes the travel so much more pleasant when meeting new and old friends.

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