Thursday, February 18, 2010

I think I'm losing my mind

For most of the week I thought I was going to be working from home next week.  And not working for my current client.  Things haven't been going well on the project but my participation didn't seem necessary.

Then there was a meeting between my boss who is also the executive on the project and the client's director.  It did not go well.  I had been invited to their meeting so I was there to witness it first hand.  It seemed most definite that I wouldn't be traveling to Dallas again.

Then I was offered a training class in Charlotte, NC for next week.  My hopes for working from home were being dashed by the opportunity to go to training.  Training opportunities don't come along very often so it would not be wise to pass it up.

Late in the afternoon it started to sound like I might be going back to Dallas next week.  My trip was confirmed while I was at the airport waiting for my flight home.  So I'm home for another weekend then back to Dallas for another Monday to Thursday.  Another week of travel will mean that I've worked away from home every week this year so far.

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