Sunday, January 31, 2010

This is beyond old

I'm back in Dallas this week.  Sunday through Friday.  It was supposed to be a kind of celebration trip for the official end of my involvement.  Well, that isn't going to be.  A problem came up last week and it has been a 24x7 effort to get it resolved.

I don't talk much about work but this project has really gone on way too long.

Did have an interesting lead fllight attendant tonight.  Have had a similar lead attendant before but I think it was on an entirely different airline.  The lead flight attendant "themes" the first class section.  She had decorated the bathroom, the food tray and even the walls of the first class cabin with "winter wonderland" items. 

There were snowmen in the bathroom and on the food cart.  She had snowflakes and snow covered tree pictures taped to the cabin walls. It was really kind of weird.  Tonight was the last night for the winter theme because it is Jan. 31.  Tomorrow being Feb. 1 means Valentines is the next theme.  I really hope I don't have to see that.

1 comment:

bunny said...

sounds to me like this flight attendant needs a long vacation, or a new job as an activity aide or daycare provider ahahahaha