Friday, January 22, 2010


I got a much earlier flight which required changing my itinerary.  Instead of flying through Dallas, I routed through Chicago.  It took 30 minutes and 3 American Airlines ticket agents to make the change!  Being top-level frequent flyer helped.

Flight left Bentonville around 1:45pm and I got home about half hour ago...8:00pm.  My other itinerary had my landing at 11:00pm.

I don't usually talk about my actual work very much but this one was a challenge.  Three of us were brought in to do talk with various employees of this company and then today, present our perspective on their situation.  Our presentation would be the basis of whether IBM would get contracted to do follow on work.  This week's work was a freebie.

The good news was we knocked it out of the park.  The client loved our findings and presentation.  The bad news is the client lover our presentation....which means I'll probably be going back at some point.

For now I'm just glad to be home.  As it looks now, I'll be home all next week.  Then guess what?  Back to Dallas on Feb 1.

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