Sunday, August 30, 2009

Backyard patio update

Finally got all the grass removed. Sure are a lot of weeds in with the grass. You can see in the pics that I've been trying to get the concrete walk out. It is just too big and heavy. I'm going to rent a jack hammer to get it broken up. I'm still not sure if I'm going to reuse it in pieces or take to recyclers.

There is tons of dirt to move to get the patio level and somewhat sloping away from the house for drainage purposes.

Update on the umbrella...still no more squirrel damage. The moth balls seem to be working.

Roxi reported another hawk sighting but I think it was the falcon that I just saw this evening. Frankie and I were out when I heard a commotion. Looked up and saw the falcon right over where Frankie was. I picked him up and took him inside. The falcon flew off to the power lines.

There is also another baby bunny in the backyard. Some him yesterday eating grass and playing in the flower garden.

1 comment:

bunny said...

you're going to rent a jackhammer?!?! cool!