Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Boundary Waters - the true story

I realized I left out some of the funny stuff.

Brian, Jenny, Julie and I had such a fun time. Stories of families and work and books and movies.

Brian started the laughter off with "Shiny thing!" Jenny was telling a story while we were driving up and she was distracted by something. Brian shouts out "Shiny thing!" which became one of repeats all weekend and we laughed every time.

Julie has an awesome husband, Bob, and three amazing kids, Sylvia, Henry and Oliver. Julie just recently got back from a trip to China to visit her father who works over there. When she got back, her kids were all catching her up on what they had done while she was gone. They didn't really care about her stories.

Turns out Bob (Dad) let the kids burp at the dinner table as long as it was followed by, "Thanks for cooking!". For some reason being outdoors and eating good food does make you burp. So there were lots of "Thanks for cooking!" going on.

You'll have to ask Jenny about the two flies sitting on a turd. Ask Brian or Julie about "Brown chicken. Brown cow" -- they thought that was funny. Brian even made up a joke about a pregnant woman, a woman in a cast and blond woman. Impressive.

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