Sunday, August 23, 2009

Backyard project

No real progress this weekend. It was still some what wet from all the week's rain.

I moved the pile of grass from the apple tree area back into the yard. It has mostly composted into dirt. Taking the slight decline in the yard and flattening it out...or at least that's the idea. There is going to be a lot of dirt to move to get the patio area to slope away from the house.

The Mount Fuji tall garden phlox is about at its end. The Royal hostas have started to bloom. They seem to like their new location near the garage.

Update on the squirrels taking the umbrella apart... I sewed the top and bottom back together. There were only about 2 or 3 connections left. And trying moth balls as deterrent. The side of the moth ball box states that they are not to be used as squirrel deterrent. Seems to me that means it is definitely worth a try.

The umbrella tie is completely gone now. I'll have to come up with another tie.

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