Saturday, September 5, 2009


I am home. The week in Dallas was pretty usual except for meeting the hotel's corporate sales person, Aneela.

My boss lady, Shannon, has had problems with the hotel and either she or Aneela arranged to meet and have drinks. I was invited to join. We met in the lobby hotel which is called The Gossip Bar.

Aneela was meeting with a friend of hers, an American Airlines global sales rep. His name is Nash. he had a friend with him, Jeff. And a co-worker of Aneela's dropped by, ...I just forgot his name.

Gossip was the right name and location. There were some wild stories told.

We had a little celebration lunch on Thursday. We've finally hit a couple of milestones on this work project. But by mid afternoon I had a scratchy throat and runny nose. The flight home was about keeping my runny nose from making it look like I did not have swine flu.

Still have the scratchy throat and runny nose this morning.

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