Friday, September 11, 2009

I was about to congratulate American Airlines

My on-time or near on-time rate has greatly improved in the last few months. American keeps changing the departure times both on Monday morning flights and Thursday evening flights.

Have been at the 6pm Thursday departure time for a few weeks and last night started off good. We were even at the same gate two weeks in a row. But then as 5:30 came and went, it started to look bad. The gate attendant finally announced that maintenance was on the plane and needed to pressurize the cabin for a test.

The departure time was eventually changed to 6:20pm. But that wasn't looking like a possibility as we weren't boarding by even 6pm. We did start boarding a bit before 6:20 but I noticed some ugly dark clouds.

We pulled away from the gate around 7pm....I really don't look anymore because it doesn't help to know. As we taxied out to the runway, the gentleman at the window seat made a comment that there were some 20 planes in front of us.

Our plane got in line and the engines were shut down. Small groan.

Pilot announced that there was rain in the area and the tower was restricting arrivals and departures and our flight was told it would be at least 40 minutes before we would know more.

It never actually rained at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. To make a long story short, we finally took off at 8pm...2 hours late. The one bit of good news was that there were not delays for our landing.

The Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport runway construction project has caused landing delays every time since the project started back in August though the airports commission said it would not. Last night was an exception.

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