Sunday, September 13, 2009

Backyard patio project update

Okay, had to have a re-do on the project. I used all the stone I had and all the stone that Andrea and Jason had and barely covered the space.

My neighbor, Sari, and I went to Hedberg's in Plymouth, a stone and aggregate seller. We couldn't find anything that matched the existing stone. We couldn't even find anything that would go with the stone. But we did find a different stone. A stone that was smooth and came in large, uniform sheets. It had struck me that I have to be able to shovel off snow.

So it was re-do time. I purchased 5 tons...yes 5 tons! of Minnesota Dolemite....quarried in Mankato, Minnesota. We had taken a piece of the current project stone. The salesman said that it was Platville Limstone from St. Paul, Minnesota. It had been quarried from the city to build the sky scrapers and was no longer available. It is historic.

The stack you see is 2 of the 4 pallets delivered via an 18-wheeler. The "sheets" have to broken up to reasonable sizes. Many "thanks" to JT for loaning his sledge hammer.

It took about 10 minutes to take up what had taken be two days to put down.
I can get some pretty good sized pieces and the thickness is completely consistent. So laying it down goes faster than with the first stone. Prepping the area...making it still the hardest part.

I'm including the old St. Paul stone in spots that won't see so much traffic. I like the look of it and now the history of it.

I'm working from home this week...a first since I don't know when. So I'll be able to work on the patio during the evening. I'm planning on getting the bulk of it done by Thursday night.

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