Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Quick trip to EcoEternity

My Mom sent out an invitation to join her on a trip to Camp Highroad near Middleburg, Virginia. Camp Highroad is a Methodist summer camp that has recently started burials in their forest. I decided I would fly out for the day to join her, my brother Loyd and my sister Carol.

Click here to read about EcoEternity

I got up at 4am on Tuesday to catch a 6am flight to Chicago. About a two hour layover then the regional jet from Chicago to DC Reagan National. Picked up my rental car and called Loyd. Mom was driving out in her rental car to meet Loyd in Warrenton. Carol was driving herself directly to Camp Highroad.

I made it to Warrenton and thought I had a little time so headed to Frost Diner for lunch. Loyd called asking me where I was. Mom had already arrived. My flying out to go was a surprise for Mom. I hadn't made it inside Frost Diner and headed over to the Rankin Hardware Store where Loyd was and met Mom in the Tadpole Restaurant. She was surprised.

We stopped in the hardware store to use the restroom. Mom really was impressed by this grill.

We took my rental car to Camp Highroad.

Carol was waiting for us. She had gotten there early and had looked around the camp part.

Rick Dawson, the Director, met us and we took the "mule" into the forest. The mule is a motorized carrier with just enough room for the five of us. I was glad we took the mule. It was muddy as Virginia has gotten a lot of rain during this Spring.

There are trees with red or green ribbon around them. Those are the trees you can "lease" for burial of your ashes. We walked around and Mom checked out which tree she wanted. She decided on #218. It is on a Popular, straight and tall, on a rise with a beautiful view.

I think this burial idea is great. The Camp Highroad site is beautiful and quiet. I was so glad I flew out for this event.

We drove to Middleburg from the Camp. Such an incredibly beautiful area with horse farms, forests, pastures, dry rock fences and views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Carol went home from Middleburg. Mom wanted to go the "back way" back to Warrenton so Loyd drove. We head out of Middleburg towards The Plains.

For the rest of this story you have to know that my Mom drove a school bus before I was in school and while I was in elementary school. So while we're heading out of Middleburg Mom comments that she thinks she had a school bus route out here. And she says, "I think I got lost around here."

Loyd asks, "What about the kids? What did you do with them?"

Mom says, "Oh, I never did find them."

Oh, my gosh. I laughed so hard there were tears streaming down my face. It still makes me laugh just writing it and remembering.

I came home on Wednesday. Woke up at 3am my time (4am eastern) to catch a 6:50am flight out of Reagan National. I got back to Minneapolis around 11:00am. A great trip.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The story of a tree

The before. Notice how much of the one side is dead or dying.Another angle of the "before." There is actually a large broken limb lodged in the center.

Most of the green side is gone.

Thar she goes...heads! limbs....
Just the big pieces left.

Here's the trunk. The left part of the closest piece is just spongy. And so is the top part of the piece behind.

The backyard after. The bareness is so dramatic.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Home this week

I'm working from home this week. My big old maple tree in the backyard is being taken down tomorrow. Unfortunately it just isn't making it. There is a large canker sore that has killed most of one side and root rot diagnosed, too.

The tree service is supposed to be coming at 8am on Monday. The power line to the house has to be taken down.

I'll miss the wonderful shade both to the backyard and to the house.

Canoeing the St. Croix River

Many thanks to Ace (Stace) for organizing another St. Croix River canoe trip. It was a beautiful day!

The river was much higher than last year. We didn't have to get out and pull the canoes over the rocks once. It was also flowing at a quick pace which made for a fast trip.

Saw a bald eagle soaring above right as we first got in the river. A good sign. Saw turtles sunbathing and even on the sandbar where we stopped for lunch were left over turtle eggs -- even though a certain member of the party thought they were marshmallows. Looked like a good year for baby turtles.

More peonies

Spectacular blossoms this year. The peonies along the garage are fantastic. Along with the three red big ones, the white and pink ones at the end of this row are also full of blooms. The color is not true in this picture but you can see how many flowers each bush has.

There are also a white one (much different from Miss America) and another red one along the fence in the flower garden.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Hyundai Elantra

At least I think it was an Elantra. It is very plain "look-like-the-rest" kind of car. Ran well except the air conditioner couldn't keep up with the Texas heat.

Not much else to say about it.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bachman Lake

In Dallas and staying at a different hotel this week. It is right across from Love Field (airport). Close by is Bachman Lake so I decided to go for a jog. Yes, I actually am jogging.

Saw several different kinds of ducks. Some pretty big ones that kind of looked like turkeys. There were all white ones and a few mallards, too.

The lake water doesn't look very pleasant. There are open drains from the parking lots and streets that go directly into the lake.

It was very very hot so I took my shirt off. People I would approach were kind of staring. I vainly thought that were impressed by my slim athletic physique. It wasn't until I got back to the hotel and saw my reflection in the glass door that I think I know why they were staring. I am as pale as a sheet of paper! I looked like a bald ghost or something.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

South Africa

My friend Christine is in South Africa for six weeks supposedly studying law. I had seriously considered going to visit. The logistics got to be too complicated and were stressing me out so I am not going.

Follow her trials and tribulations at Gladys Christine in South Africa

Return to Dallas

Here I am. Back in Dallas again. Was'nt really expecting to be here again this month. It probably goes without saying but it was HOT yesterday and today looked like it was going to be another scorcher.

It rained a little bit and actually cooled things down instead of making it stickier, thank goodness.

I'm hoping the heat stays away for the rest of the week I'm here.

Different story...
I like going to the grocery store for lunch sometimes. Grazing through the salad bar seems healthier than fast food joints. I got some cottage cheese and peach slices (canned) to go on top.

Took them to the check out and the cashier (a young girl) asked me if that was cottage cheese. I said yes and she asked me if it was any good. What??!!

I asked, "You've never had cottage cheese?" "No," she said. I thought that was kind of amazing.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Sign of the times

This may be old news for most but this was the highest gas price I'd seen at the time. The price at this station actually has gone down to $3.97.

I've also seen $4.09 at a station just a few miles away.

Miss America

Thanks to some wonderful friends several years ago, I am the proud owner of a Miss America peonia. This year she is fantastic bloom.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

No travel this week but short-lived

I'm home this week and was thinking I'd be home for a bit. But NO. Told today to head back to Dallas next week.

I got a refundable airplane ticket just in case things change.

Buick Torrent

Almost forgot to do my auto review.

Never heard of a Buick Torrent. It is a cross-over utility vehicle, CUV, that appears to be based on a truck chassis.

It isn't as bad looking as the Aztec which I'm sure is a cousin. It is very comfortable inside except for the driver window. The ledge - I guess that's what you call it - where the glass goes into the door is high. It is actually kind of difficult to reach out to get parking lot tickets and such. And forget putting your elbow up.

It bears repeating again...the transmission is excellent. Since the Torrent is a GM, this one follows the trend of it's siblings.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Friendly faces

Didn't United at some point have a fly the friendly skies advertising campaign?

Seeing a friendly face and having the person remember you is something that makes my business travel so much more tolerable. On my flight Monday from Minneapolis to Dallas was Rachel (pronounced Ra-shell), who also goes by Shelly. We spent a lovely 10 hours on a plane in Chicago probably 3 years ago now.

I don't see her often even though she is based in Minneapolis. But everytime she sees me there is a wonderful smile on her face and we chat about what's been going on in our travel lives.

And at the hotel I stay at in Dallas, the Hilton Anatole, the parking attendant is the nicest person. She remembers my name and always has a nice word to say. Also, the attendant and trainer at the gym has gotten so used to seeing me, he recognized me at a restaurant up in Irving when I was out to lunch.

Those little things that take the impersonal out of business travel.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Back to the Big D

Heading to Dallas today. Should be there until Thursday. Just checked the weather...mid 90's! That'll be a change from up here in Minnesota.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Uptown and severe weather

I was walking around my neighborhood doing errands and such and was thinking how much a enjoy living in Uptown.

On my way to my favorite coffee shop I ran into Rose sitting outside another coffee shop and we chatted for a bit about the beer festival that was being setup in the street.

The folks at my coffee shop all know me and were shocked when I ordered a different coffee from my usual.

From the coffee shop I headed to my bank. And then to the grocery store. Looking at the various yard gardens people have been working on.

About an hour later I walked up to my training gym and had a great workout. Got home took a shower and Rose stopped by after her baking class at Kitchen Window in Calhoun Square (in Uptown, of course).

Later in the day we had some incredible weather. The weather sirens went off in Uptown but the sun was shining. Turned on the tv and this bad storm was headed my way.

All the sudden it started hailing. A little bigger than pea size hail but lots and lots of it. There wasn't any lightening or thunder. Then it started to rain pretty heavy. It stopped and the sun came out again. Then the hail started again and the sun was still shining bright.

Rose and I were supposed to meet Amy and Bunny at Amy's house. We postponed until the storm was over. Driving to Amy's in St. Louis Park there was so much hail piled up that it looked like a snowstorm had come through.

And there were lots of trees down. A couple of blocks from Amy's, a tree had fallen on a house and there was more hail than I had ever seen.