Saturday, May 11, 2013

Painting project

The living room painting project is complete. The project actually started at the top of the stairs and worked down.

Cleaned and patched all the cracks first then all the cutting in! There is not a wall wthout a window or a door or both. There is very little rolling to do.

Used Sherwin-Williams Duration paint which goes on smoothly and with virtually no smell. I have always had good results with Sherwin-Williams paint and this project was another happy result.

The color is called inviting ivory which ironically is pretty much what the previous paint faded to. It was tricky to see where I hac painted especially when working in the evening.

The staircase was very difficult but it looks great and the awful plaster cracks are gone...for now. I know they'll come back. The house is over 100 years old.

The economic effect of home improvement also took over. After buying paint and a few supplies, I decided to change out the switch plates and a new rug.

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