Monday, May 27, 2013

Paris day two

Chris and I were exhausted from the flights over and ended up sleeping in a long time. When we finally got out and about, it was past the opening of the French Open. We made our way to Roland Garros which was very easy from the apartment. To make a long story short we could not get tickets. There is no box office. All tickets must be purchased online and printed out. The official website never mentioned this very important fact.

Quintessential Paris Metro sign.
The Auteuil Gardens are next to Roland Garros. That is where the rose picture was taken.
The France rose.
We gave up on tennis for the day and headed to the museums. I had been warned of massive demonstrations against the recently passed gay marriage law. We ran right into the middle of it. We were fine just inconvenienced by closed metro exits and streets.
Govrnment building in Pantheon circle.
I'll write about the museums later.

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