Thursday, May 30, 2013

A non-tennis day.

Another mostly cloudy day but the rain held off until very late. Chris wanted to see the exhibit at Musee de l'Orangerie.

The building was constructed for a specific set of very very large Monet paintings called The Nymphes but also exhibits other French artists associated to Paul Guillaume and special exhibits.

I particularly liked the Derain paintings in their permanent collection and the special exhibit of Italian painters in a almost photographic style from the late 1800's call Maccheaioli.

The museum is located in a corner of the Tuileries, a park along the Seine. Lots of people were enjoying the break from the rain and the scattered sunshine. The iris are blooming in spectacular fashion. There was even a peonie blooming.

From the Tulieres we walked up the Champs Elysees to the Arc d' Triumph. So many people it was crazy.

I was not feeling great so went back to the apartment to rest for just a little. We were planning on not going to tennis and instead go to the theatre. Specifically Comedie Francaise to see a Feydeau.

Chris headed to the theatre to try to get rush tickets. I made it back to the theatre just as he was discussing something with the box office. He had stood in the wrong line, or so he thought, and got student tickets for 5 euro way way up at the top balcony.  The seats turned out to be just fine.

We couldn't really understand what they were saying as they spoke very fast but the comedy was broad and much of it was physical as we had expected. It was great fun.

The theatre itself is quite beautiful. We had a bird's eye view of the whole thing. 

This the chair that Moliere supposedly used in the production of The Imaginary Invalide. He also supposedly died in this same chair. They have it exhibited in one of the lobbies.

1 comment:

GeeCee said...

Even soggy Paris is beautiful! If it's any comfort, it hasn't stopped raining here since you left.