Friday, May 31, 2013

A day off?

I kind of took a break today from sightseeing and running around. I woke up with a bit of a sore throat. The rain and cold yesterday probably didn't help. Chris returned to NYC today so now I'm on my own.

I slept for quite a while and took some pre-cold medicine to fight off the throat thing. Finally decided around 2pm I should get some coffee and real food.  And decided to explore the neighborhood and do some gift shopping and practice my French with the shop owners.
View of Eiffel Tower from Charles Michel metro.
 There are lots and lots of different shops..meat, high-end clothing, cheese, chocolate, bread and pastries, antiques, restaurants, and many many more.
The cheese shop closest to apartment and wonderful.

In the park fairly close by.

Eiffel Tower from the park.

1 comment:

GeeCee said...

The neighborhood looks perfect! Enough to do without having to go too far. If your throat is still bothering you, head to a cafe and ask the waiter what he suggests for it. Could be the best meal or drink you'll ever have!