Sunday, December 30, 2012

Vikings win!

Vikings had a huge game today against the Packers. The gang gathered at Old Chicago Uptown. Here are just a few of the friends who were there to see the win.
Self-Portrait with Bunny
Panorama with JT, Cindy, Justin and Bunny

Son and Mother

Linda telling story. Cindy enjoying pizza.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

$2.99 gasoline

Found gas for $2.99 in south Minneapolis. Haven't seen it this low in months.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

My clean teeth

Got my teeth cleaned yesterday. I loved the way they felt and looked.

Sorry for bragging.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow on the mountains

There is finally snow in the front range.  The front range are the mountains closest to Denver, therefore, facing east.

The snow gives the look if winter and Christmas to the already spectacular views.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Old Chicago beer tour

As.many if you know there is a whole gang of us that are on the Old Chicago beer tour.  It is a frequent shopper program for beer drinking.

Each tour consists if 110 beer. Your are not supposed to repeat beers within a single tour.  Along the tour you can get a variety of gifts which can also include cash equivalent.  I just got $20 for passing the halfway point in my currrent tour.

Denver is the home of Old Chicago chain of restaurants.  For the longest time I didn't realize there is this one just a few blocks from my hotel. Since I have to go out for dinner and usually have a beer or wine, I figure I might as well work on my tour.

This chocolate stout from England is delicious.  And that is precisely what is so cool about the tour. You get and have to try all types of beer.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Downtown Denver holiday lights

The Arapahoe Avenue greenway aglow in holiday lights.  That is the click tower shining in colors.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Much more snow

The forecast was for 3-5 then 5-8 then 8-12. I think we've gotten more like 15.


Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow.

Our first real snow if the season.  Forecast is now for 9-15 inches.
It is a wet heavy snow and so so pretty.
Christine and Brew
Not in b&w.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Cowboy boots

I wanted to wear black shoes today. My shiny black ones are too dressy. My loafers are not very waterproof and snow was predicted. So I decided to wear my cowboy boots.

I should be wearing these more often. They are very comfortable and the best part is how sexy they make me feel.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Jill took this photo of the huge Mexican flag at the San Miguel port in Cozumel.  It was so majestic looking waving in the flood lights.  Wasn't until looking at the picture later did she notice the ironman athlete sitting on the curb.  It makes the shot inspiring.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

And more towel art

Is his cute or what.  My camera is definitely dead so what you are going to get is what I can take with my phone.

We rented a nearly broken down jeep and drove to Chankanab marine park today.  The reef has made remarkable recovery from Hurricane Wilma a few years ago.

Unfortunately we had an annoying family camped out next to us.  I do not want to say anything bad about Americans or New Jersey but the scene and sounds were unbelievable.

We had great fun listening to the Brazilians having an absolute marvelous time.

On the beach

Saw these shoe prints on the hotel beach...thoughtful.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Towel art

We have a very clever maid.  Today she made this towel art.  We think it is a sea turtle.

My regular camera that also takes underwater pictures is on the fritz.  Was taking photos while snorkeling and it stopped working. I'm drying it out and hoping that it fixes itself.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sun, clouds, rain

Yesterday was such a beautiful day.  The temperature was in the low 80's and the humidity just right. Sunset was nice and the hotel had a barbeque for the guests.

I went for a run in the morning. Cozumel is where I started running for exercise so it was nice to be able go do a fairly easy 5k.
Today, Tuesday, started off cloudy but warm and a bit too humid. We walked to the little store at the airport road to get some supplies. A small boat was trying to drop off a dog onto the shore but he kept swimming back to the boat. I waded out to get him and Jill went to the store to get him some food. He stayed with me shivering. When Jill came, he got scared and ran away. The guys on the boat said he lived close by and would make his way home. We left him on the beach with the food where be seemed okay.

We walked back to the hotel and did a New Yorker crossword puzzle, drank coffee and ate galletas (crackers) with peanut butter.

Later we went for a swim and snorkel before it finally did start to rain.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Cozumel at last (Ironman)

Finally made it to Cozumel on Sunday afternoon. I was originally booked to arrive on Saturday, however, my flight from Charleston was delayed and I would miss the connection. Delta booked me on US Airways flight to Cozumel through Charlotte. As bad luck would have it, this flight out of Charlotte also had maintenance problems and the connection was not possible.  So back to Delta.

Had to get my checked bag off the UUs Airways plane and rebooked with Delta. I figured it was best to get to Atlanta at least and spend the night for next available flight out on Sunday. Delta put me up at the airport Marriott.

I did make it to Cozumel but my luggage did not! I have not had lost luggage in forever.

The Cozumel Ironman competition was on Sunday and the marathon portion was directly in front of my hotel. It was still easy to get through and Jill was out in front cheering the competitors on.  We continued to cheer them on for several more hours as we went shopping, had dinner, walked to the finish line, went back to hotel, and on and on.

At breakfast this morning we heard one guy say it took him 14 hours to finish!?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A day late

Finally looks Luke I'll make it to Cozumel today.  Two attempts yesterday were thwarted by plane maintenance problems involving two different airlines.

My plane is being pulled up to the gate now. Fingers are crossed.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Kiawah Island, South Carolina

My nephew Raymond and his dad practicing before.playing a round of golf at Turtle Point on Kiawah Island.

I took a run down to Kiawah Club and back -- almost 9 miles.  It felt great and was beautiful.  I got to run along the beach for part of it.

Friday, November 23, 2012

A Family Thanksgiving

We gathered at my sister Betty's home in Mt. Pleasant, SC.  Photo includes my mom and oldest sister on the far left and Betty on the far right.  The young adults are my nieces and nephews.  The children are my great nieces and nephews.  Thank you to Belinda for the camera and for taking the photo.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A very large Christmas cactus (updated)

It is impossible to capture just how dramatic this plant is.  Now five days later than the original pictures below, the blossoms are open and even more amazing.

 My neighbor was going to throw out this enormous Christmas cactus last spring.  I said I would take it just to keep it from being destroyed.

As you can see, it is almost as wide as the buffet.

I have had it in the sunroom all summer and a couple of weeks ago it budded and now is blooming large pink blossoms.

We'll see if it lasts until Christmas but it is very beautiful and enjoyable now.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Bumper sticker

No need to say more...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Who's a pretty girl?

 Uno had her first professional grooming.  She did really good until near the end which was near her face.

She finally had had it and started to grumble.  Her growling meant she had to wear the "cone of shame".
You cannot tell because of she has so much hair but she actually got her underside completely shaved.

She also got her paws trimmed so you can actually see their shape.

I am happy with how she looks and how well she did.  I've already booked her an appointment for December.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


The "grandmother" Gracie in 1984.

The "granddaughter" Christine in 2012.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween morning moon

Walking to the bus stop, the morning moon is beautiful and eerie.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pumpkin carving

My home grown pumpkin carved for Halloween.

Annual dropping of the ginko leaves

It happened on Thursday.  It was an overcast day but still beautiful effect of the yellow ginko leaves carpeting the sidewalk and grass.

This is the true sign of the impending winter.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fire in the rain

The two fire bushes in the front yard with much needed rain falling.  The rain is really why I'm posting this picture.  We haven't really had any rain in so so long.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Vikings bling from Amy

I had been commenting that I didn't have any Viking stuff to wear so Amy got me a.jersey and hat.  Super!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Weekend trip to Michigan

Took a long weekend road trip to upper Michigan for my friend Kathy's birthday.  Started out Friday later afternoon.  Took a scenic route to Michigan through upper part of Wisconsin on Route 8. Spent the night in Ladysmith, Wisconsin.  Saturday was a drizzly, windy day to Lake Michigan and around the top side.

Lindstrom, MN fun water tower

Lake Michigan was roiling with waves and wind and rain.
Crossed over the Mackinaw Bridge in fog, wind and rain.
The birthday girl, Kathy, on left and friend, Margaret, from Virginia.

There was still fall color even with all the rain.
Birthday celebrations were Saturday at the house in Petoskey, MI and Sunday at the Bay Harbor club. I headed back to Minnesota Sunday afternoon in a real downpour. Made it as far as Shawano, Wisconsin on Sunday night having gone further down Lake Michigan on the Wisconsin side (near Green Bay).  Arrived back home on Monday at 1pm.