Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sun, clouds, rain

Yesterday was such a beautiful day.  The temperature was in the low 80's and the humidity just right. Sunset was nice and the hotel had a barbeque for the guests.

I went for a run in the morning. Cozumel is where I started running for exercise so it was nice to be able go do a fairly easy 5k.
Today, Tuesday, started off cloudy but warm and a bit too humid. We walked to the little store at the airport road to get some supplies. A small boat was trying to drop off a dog onto the shore but he kept swimming back to the boat. I waded out to get him and Jill went to the store to get him some food. He stayed with me shivering. When Jill came, he got scared and ran away. The guys on the boat said he lived close by and would make his way home. We left him on the beach with the food where be seemed okay.

We walked back to the hotel and did a New Yorker crossword puzzle, drank coffee and ate galletas (crackers) with peanut butter.

Later we went for a swim and snorkel before it finally did start to rain.

1 comment:

Bunny said...

So jealous! Have a lovely time, you two :)