Sunday, July 26, 2009

Minneapolis Aquatennial 2009

This was the final weekend of this year's Aquatennial events. I missed the sand castles and milk carton boat races. They were last weekend though I thought they were this weekend. Rose went and said it was disappointing this year.

Rose, Amy, Bunny, Loretta and I went to Chang Mai Tai to celebrate Rose's birthday. Afterwards we walked over to Girard Street between Lake and Lagoon. This big ramp with water at the top and bottom was set up.

Don't know if you can see and it is difficult to describe. But these water boarders...I called it water boarding because it was snow boards on water...were pulled down the ramp into a big pool of water. There was really only one "good" ride while we watched. It was a lot of work for a very very short ride.

Christine, Rachel and I went down to the Mississippi River to see the fireworks that are the official end of Aquatennial. I bought a new digital camera. It has a bunch of different settings. One is "fireworks" so I set the camera on my knee and took the following pictures.

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