Sunday, July 26, 2009

Backyard Project - update 07/26

Only worked on the backyard on Sunday and only a few hours. It was kind of hot and I was kind of tired.

Got the rest of the day lillies out. Anyone want some? They are the standard orange ones. Some are double blossoms from Virginia.

I dug the hole for the water feature. You can just see the black water tub to the left of the oak tree.

I filled up the raised planter bed with just the grass I had already taken up and the dirt from the water feature hole. Don't know what I'm going to do with the rest of the grass and dirt to make the area level.

Pruned the red currant bush. Big big pruning. Also discovered that there were two baby currant bushes. Dug those out. One went to Amy. Anyone want the other one?

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