Sunday, July 19, 2009

Backyard project

As many of you know my plan for the backyard is to put in a stone patio. When the big maple tree had to come down last year, it seemed like a good time to re-do the backyard.

I've put in the replacement oak tree and reshaped the perennial garden bed slightly. I've also removed the pressure-treated wood border. I didn't want to just throw away the wood so I built a raised bed where the compost used to go.

I figure there is going to be a lot of dirt from the patio area and this raised bed provides a place for all the soil. It kind of looks like a coffin and is about that size.

The hostas have all been taken out from in front of the back porch. Some went to Sari and Mather across the street. A new planting bed was dug out in front of the garage peonies and hostas were put in there.

More hostas were moved to along the north side of the house. It is technically the neighbors yard but I've been putting hostas there for a few years.

I dug out the three large stones that were the path to the perennial garden. It was amazing how much of the stones had been grown over with grass. They are a good size and really flat. Just the kind of stone I'm looking for.

You can see them in the picture to the right.

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