Monday, July 13, 2009

Busy weekend

It was a busy weekend.

Rose kindly invited me to the opening night of And When We Were Married at the Guthrie on Friday night.

Saturday, a group drove down to Cannon Falls for a canoe/paddling adventure down the Cannon River. It was an 8 mile trip and lots of fun. We saw a young bald eagle and one of its parents take flight from a tree right next to the river.

We also saw turtles and lots of ducks. There were some easy rapids to make it exciting but it was mostly a very easy paddle.

Sunday, got to meet Stella finally -- Andrea and Jason's new born. She is seven weeks old and very very cute. Andrea's mom, Kathy, was also there at breakfast at the Egg and I.

Then I met Bruce Cochran at Dunn Brothers for an interview for my local paper, The Uptown News. Bruce is doing a story on my bodybuilding competition.

Also on Sunday there was a garden intervention at Loretta's. She had gotten behind on keeping the weed trees away. Congrats to Bunny, Amy, Jackie and Linda for tackling a big project.

We went to Old Chicago afterward to relax, have a couple of beers and eat. While there my phone rang and I found out I won a $400.00 rod and reel from the community pool fundraiser in Ashland, Oregon. Alicia and Jill use the pool and funds were being raised to keep it open.

They float rubber ducks down the river in Ashland. My duck came in 5th!

And finally on Sunday, Jenny (Moose Stalker), Brian (Swims With Loons) and Julie (Eats A Lot) came over Sunday evening to discuss our Boundary Waters trip in a couple of weeks.

Now back to Dallas this morning.

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