Monday, November 12, 2007

A very long day

Made it to Dallas...finally.

Left the hotel about 6:00am Hawaii time. My flight from Honolulu left pretty much on time at 8:30am. I did not get upgraded. Had a bigger plane but still full. There was some rough skys on the way to Los Angeles and we landed late.

I was really concerned that I wouldn't make my connection. I walked off the Honolulu flight hearing my name being paged for immediate boarding. Fortunately the gates were close and walked directly on board. I figured there was no way my luggage would make it.

They closed the plane door soon after I got on. We ended up sitting there for a bit while luggage was loaded. I felt better about my luggage.

We landed pretty much on time. I headed down to baggage and waited and waited. One piece of luggage came off. It was the second to last one. No sign of the other one. The line for the baggage office was long. I called the American platinum line and filed a lost luggage report.

Headed out to catch the shuttle to the car rental. It was now about 10pm central time. The timer for the shuttle said a 7.5 minute wait. But the time wasn't going down. It finally changed to 10 minute wait. I decided to check with the baggage people again. There was another flight to Dallas from LAX at about the same time and thought maybe my other bag was on that plane.

The baggage person was very nice and checked with the baggage people at the other flight's arrival carousel. Lo and behold, the bag was there. I went back out to the ground transportation place and caught the shuttle to the terminal where my bag was waiting. I went back out to catch the car rental shuttle. It was now 11:00pm.

The wait at this terminal was very short. I got my car and headed to the hotel. It was midnight by the time I got to the hotel.

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