Friday, November 9, 2007

Haleiwa and macadamia nut farm

Eliza, Jill and I drove up to Haleiwa on the North Shore. We drove past the Dole pineapple plantation but didn't stop.

Haleiwa is a picturesque surfer village. We stopped at a surf shop so Jill could buy a new snorkel. The "dude" behind the counter was so nice telling us about the shave ice down the street and where the macadamia nut farm was.

The shave ice at Matsumoto's was incredible. Surfer store dude told us to order the small in a bowl with ice cream because you get the same amount as a large in a cone and it is easier to eat.

We headed on around the top of the island. We stopped at Sunset Beach where this weekend's international surfing competition is being held. We passed the Polynesian Cultural Center. We stopped for directions to the macadamia nut farm because we were afraid we had passed it.

We hadn't and continued on. Amazing trees that reminded us of those savanna trees in African safari films. They are huge and curve like umbrellas. No waterfalls this time of year but it was cloudy and every so slightly rainy at times. We got to the macadamia nut farm outlet just a few minutes before it closed. Bought some nuts and coffees and souvenirs.

We drove on to Kailula and were supposed to meet up with Chris. There was some confusion about times and locations. That was a bust and so we drove back over to Waikiki directly over the mountains.

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