Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hilton Hawaiian Village and To'Daii

We decided to crash the Hilton Hawaiian Village so Jill could hang out at a big pool. This was our first real sunny day.

This Hilton is enormous and has several towers, restaurants, shops, etc. They even had flamingos and penguins.

Jill and I swam in the ocean for a bit. Chris and Eliza went to the pool. I stayed at the beach for sun whild Jill went on to the pool. Our beautiful sunny day turned into another downpour afternoon. We hung out in one of the bars while we waited to go to To'Daii, a sushi buffet restaurant.

To'Daii was amazing. So much food. Much much more than just sushi. We all ate a lot. We walked back to the hotel taking our time window shopping in the ritzy part of Waikiki. We ran into an actor from the tv series Lost that Chris had met before. His name is Michael Emmerson and he plays one of the bad guys in the show if you watch it.

We stopped at our usual Royal Hawaiian Hotel Mai Tai bar for drinks and to listen to the musicians. Jill is doing really well considering she is having knee replacement surgery in a week.

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