Sunday, November 4, 2007

Here in Hawaii

Arrived Friday night just a few minutes later than scheduled. I had reserved a driver pickup. I've always wanted to do that.

Arrived at the Royal Grove Hotel to meet up with Chris, Eliza and Jill. This is a surfer hotel. There are surf boards all over the place.

Saturday was cloudy but warm. We played tennis. I haven't played in a long long time and did pretty good. An incredible view of Diamond Head from the tennis courts.

We took the public bus to the Honolulu Museum of Art for lunch. Chris and Eliza were going to attend a free lecture on Italian art but found out it was a lecture for people going on a museum sponsored tour. They decided not to go. The restaurant at the museum has wonderful food.

The park across from the museum has four really big banyan trees. The kind of trees that drop down roots from their branches.

Saturday night we went to the Royal Hawaiian Hotel Mai Tai Bar. It is right on the beach and has great drinks. It is a historic hotel and just beautiful inside. Like a movie set.

It started to rain while we were there. We were able to get back to our hotel between rains. It rained all night. Looks like it has stopped now but all cloudy. Going to be a lazy day of card playing and reading I think. Nice.

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