Thursday, October 11, 2007

SpeedZone (Tuesday)

Stacey at Neiman Marcus organized a field trip to SpeedZone, a go-cart race track. It was so much fun. Stacey's dad and sister were also there. Stacey was the only one from Neiman Marcus to go. In addition to me, Luis and Albert from IBM went.

We did time trials of small open-wheeled cars. A very curvy course. I had the worst time but had a blast. I even did a 180 spin on one run.

We then went to a track where you could race against others head to head. These cars have bumpers all around them and you zoom around another very curvy course. You don't start even with others. I was in front so slowed down for others to catch up and make it more fun.

Our last ride was drag racing. This was a huge adrenaline rush and I won 3 out of 6 times. It was all in the start. I used by Stage Management calling experience when watching the light tree count down.

These drag race cars were really fast. You could get up to 70 miles per hour in 3 seconds. Chevy 350 engines that were nitrogen boosted. Way fun.

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