Thursday, October 11, 2007

Grassy Knoll

As you've probably figured out, I finally went to the sight of the John F. Kennedy assassination.

My rental car this week happened to have the navigation system. While trying to find the SpeedZone attraction, I noticed that the Grassy Knoll was one the attractions the system had. I couldn't pass up the chance to have the system guide me there.

Venkat, one of my fellow IBMers, went along. It was late in the evening and already dark. The navigation system directed right to a parking lot. We got out and were looking around when a man with some newspapers in plastic bags approached us and offer to show us the highlights of the assassination. He readily admitted he belonged to a conspiracy theory group.

Everything is pretty much the same as it was 40 some years ago. The book depository where Oswald fired from is there and is now called the Six Floor Museum. The window where he allegedly was has a webcam in it. You can see live pictures from the window by going to the JFK site and clicking the Dealey Plaza Cam link.

It is kind of surreal that all the landmarks are still there. There are even white X marks in the road where the motorcade was when the supposedly two different shots were fired.

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