Monday, October 22, 2007

Odds and Ends

I am working from home again this week. Yeah! It looks like it might be a nice weather week. No rain. Might even get back to mid-60s by Thursday.

I put the storm windows up in the front porch. Need to put in the one new one still. Haven't cleaned up the garden for end of season yet. Some of the Stella d'ora day lillies are still blooming and the potted geraniums, too.

Frankie has figured out how to get more food out of the automatic feeder. He can poke his hand up the dispenser spout and dislodge some of the food. He is able to get a few more nuggets of the food. This is probably a good thing since he doesn't eat all that much at feeding time and little miss round thing, Uno, eats everything.

Today is the 18th anniversary of the Jacob Wetterling kidnapping. In honor of his abduction and other child abductions, turn on your porch light tonight.

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