Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fitness Together - six weeks later

I had my sixth week fitness evaluation at the Fitness Together - the one-on-one workout studio. I improved in all areas but I hadn't lost as much fat as I thought.

My weight was almost exactly the same - 196.8 to 196.6. My lean weight (muscle) increase 2 - 4 lbs and my fat weight reduced 2 - 4 lbs. The range is from two different caliper tests.

I went from 26 push-ups in September to 33 in October. That's a 27% improvement. I haven't done push-ups since high school.

My bench press went from 225 lbs to 263 lbs, a 17% improvement.

Doing the one-on-one training has been one of my better decisions. I feel better physically and emotionally. And I can walk home now without the pain and moaning I had those first few times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

way to go, jeff, you muscle man, you!