Friday, October 5, 2007

BWCAW (Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness

So much to tell but I'll keep it short. Here we are picking up the canoes. Fresh.

Many thanks to Scott Baune and his mom and dad for letting us spend the night at the Baune house in Silver Bay on Wednesday night.

We got up early and went to the Ranger Station to watch the video and answer the test questions. This is when we found out it was moose hunting season in the Boundary Waters.

It was a wet trip in. It didn't rain during the five hours of canoing and portaging (carrying canoes and gear to next lake) but it was very wet. I did rain right after we got our tents set up. Perfect timing. It was followed by the most incredible double rainbow. The end of one of the rainbow actually ended just on the other side of the lake.

Friday was the most beautiful day. We canoed around our lake. Jenny and Andrew fished along the way while Julie and I paddled. We found a beautiful waterfall and all fell asleep on a big rock next to the falls.

Saturday was a rainy day. Julie and I stayed at camp and kept the campfire going. Jenny and Andrew went fishing. Got completely dumped on but came back with a large small-mouthed bass. Andrew did a great job cleaning and cutting it. Jenny did a fantastic job frying it up. We ate very well.

Sunday was another 5 hours out canoing and portaging. We saw a huge moose (cow). We also saw an otter. We ran into three hunters we had seen on the way in. One had gotten a bull moose. He was so proud. It is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.

It was rainy and windy and kind of a tough trip out. The hunters had taken the moose meat and trophy head out. They were on the second trip out with their gear. When we reached the truck (my Escape Hybrid), we stopped to see the head in their trailer. It wasn't real big but still fascinating.

Julie has great photos on Please try this link click here

And here we are after returning the canoes. Not too worn for the wear.

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