Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Chicago - O'Hare

I'm back on Chicago this week. Actually Northfield to be accurate. Road construction everywhere. And, for crying out loud, when are they going to finish the American Airlines terminal project at O'Hare!!

They are extending the front and putting a glass wall the full length of it. They were working on it back in 2004 when I first started coming here and it STILL IS'NT DONE!

And then there is the tollway I have to take from the airport to the client. Major construction right at the getting on point. And another major project at the getting off point. Since I came in later last night the traffic wasn't bad at all. But I'm going home Wednesday evening and heading to the airport during rush hour. I think I'll take the back roads.

My but I sound like such a whiner! I'm a total travel snob now and want everything to be perfect. I don't have time for it to be anything else.

My friend John's blog and web site

The famous Broadway and international set designer John Arnone has opened a website showcasing his set design work. Check it out at Arnone Designs

He also joining the blogishpere. Encourage him along at John's blog

Friday, July 27, 2007

Ford Fusion

I've been hoping to get a Ford Fusion rental car and finally did this week. I think it was a base model because there weren't too many bells and whistles.

I really like the look of the car. First thing I noticed is how comfortable the driver's seat is and it sits fairly high which I like. The instrument panel is well configured with the steering wheel so you can see all the gauges. It is surprising how many cars don't have the steering wheel and gauges lined up right.

The climate controls are way too low. They are below the radio which is kind of low. The climate controls end up at the same height as the gear selector and so are not easy to get to. There was a pretty bad rattle in the dashboard. I think it had something to do with the storage compartment on top of the dash.

For some reason in Dallas they don't grade the road surface before putting it down. They just put the road on the contour of the land so there are all kinds of bumps and humps and curves and dips. It can be kind of fun to drive but anything loose in the car shakes, rattles and rolls.

The transmission is not as smooth as the General Motors ones I have had recently. The car is fun to drive but I think the weak point is the transmission. The sound proofing is excellent though. I was trapped between two semi-trailers and did not have that level of noise I thought there would be.

Result is a mild recommend.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Road Weary

Boy, am I tired. This week after week of travel is wearing me down.

I'll be glad when the summer travel time is over. The airports are crowded. The planes are crowded. The roads are crowded. And I'm crabby.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Soneone's lost luggage?

When we landed at Dallas Fort Worth (DFW), I think we must have actually landed on the Fort Worth side. We taxied forever to get to our gate passing by several other terminals along the way.

As we're finally getting close to the gate, I see a piece of luggage out on the tarmac. It is along the "road" marked for vehicles. I figure it has fallen off one of those luggage wagons. I'm watching and we pass within a few yards of it. The guy guiding the plane in is fairly close to it. He doesn't touch it.

A few luggage wagon drivers sail right by it. A pickup truck or two zoom on by it. One luggage wagon cart driver actually stops and reads the tag. Then he goes on and leaves it there.

I'm thinking about the poor passenger who is either going to be missing their luggage at their destination or they're standing at the baggage carousel wondering where their personal belongings are. Then I get to thinking isn't it kind of security issue to have this piece of luggage sitting out on the airport tarmac? What's the thing they announce about leaving your luggage unattended?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

A beautiful night for fireworks

Last night was the end of the Minneapolis Aquateneal - "the best 10 days of summer" - festival. Target sponsors a fireworks display on the Mississippi River.

Christine, Kay, Rachel, Tom and I went down to the Stone Arch Bridge at lock and dam #1. This is the best place to view. And there were several tens of thousands of others who also thought so.

The fireworks are shot off from the next up river bridge. It was a cool, clear night with a slight breeze. The fireworks were crystal clear.

Its back to Dallas this week.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Cat check

Well, it finally happened. I got home last night to find Uno in the upstairs closet. She must have gone in when I was getting dressed Monday morning and I didn't see her. She was shut in there for four days!

She seems okay. She drank a lot of water and the bedroom closet is kind of a mess.

I'll be checking for both cats before I leave in the future.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

John Arnone's cousin

Turns out that my friend John Arnone (check out his website: John Arnone Design) has a cousin that works at the client I'm consulting for in Irving, Texas. He is the Vice President of Human Resources. We went out to lunch on Wednesday and had a good time talking about John and especially about John's family and boyhood.

It was nice to spend some time with non-IBMers and not have to talk about the project.

This week's car - the Nissan Altima

Got a "foreign" car this week. It has fairly standard equipment so not too luxurious but very comfortable to drive.

The brakes are very very sensitive though. I was lurching out the Hertz parking ramp trying to get used to them. I don't know if the pedal is further out than I'm used to or what. I finally got used to it by the end of the week.

The radio was tricky to figure out. I think I had that comment about the Cadillac. Manufacturer's seem to try to make these fancy controls and it just ends up being complicated of busy. The Altima also had the keyless start like the Caddie. I just don't get the advantage of that. You still have to carry the fob to unlock and lock the doors. And it is so easy to just get out of the vehicle without turning it off.

The Altima does drive nice and has nice power though so I would recommend it.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Back in Dallas/Irving, TX

Back again to the hot and humid south. I cannot figure out the roads and streets around here. I'm usually so good about getting around and figuring out my way. This is my third time here and I'm still getting lost and confused.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Garage Sale

I had a very successful garage sale today. First off, having a garage sale and traveling in the same week was kind of stressful. I got home Thursday evening and planned on taking Friday off so I could get ready. I wasn't able to take the whole day and I was easily distracted from the main task.

Thank goodness Andrea and Jason were able to come over and help take stuff out to the garage. We got all the boxes from the basement and the table and chairs from the dining room and the bedroom set from upstairs.

Meanwhile I had advertised by storm windows on Friday and got a call right away. That guy wanted to come over and check them out. And Troy was going to come over and get stuff he had his eyes own.

I actually sold over $300.00 of stuff Friday!

I started making signs late Friday night and but together a price sheet instead of marking each item. That was one of the better ideas.

Got up early today to put out the signs and continue taking stuff to the garage. Picked up Christine who was my life saver. When we got back to the house the people started coming already - a half hour early. While I was still bringing stuff and setting up, Christine handled the buyers.

It was a busy day. So many friends showed up and made the day pass by amusingly. Many thanks to Amy for purchasing the table and chairs. Also, thanks to Roxy and Rose for helping pack up at the end. And simply could not have done it at all without Christine.

So you're probably wondering how much I made? The answer is $591.00!! Awesome!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

No time for touring

I am working on three projects at the same time. This hasn't left anytime for being a tourist. I was hoping to catch some sites here in Dallas.

We have two developers from Canada here this week. They checked into some of the sites and discovered that most everything closes at 5pm. There isn't anyway to see or do things if they close that early.

I'm back here next week. Hopefully I'll find some time.

I did meet my friend John Arnone's cousin. He works at the client I'm at. We are planning on going to lunch next week.

Cadillac STS

This week I ordered the Hertz navigation system called Neverlost. You usually get a nicer car when you order that feature but I didn't expect to get a Cadillac STS. This model is similar to the CTS that I leased a few years ago for 3 years. The STS is the bigger 8 cylinder model.

It definitely drives nicely and has incredible power. The side mirrors are small and make seeing the multiple lanes that all the highways here have.

The car actually has its own navigation system but is a DVD-based system and, of course, they don't provide those. The display is nice and large and also serves as the radio controls. Unfortunately the radio controls are rather tricky. Some are part of the screen and some are regular knobs.

It is a fun car to drive but wouldn't be something I would really recommend.

Lady Bird Johnson

Lady Bird Johnson passed away this afternoon. She was living in Austin, TX. It was late in the afternoon that it was announced. The news this evening is leading with stories of her life.

I think of her everytime I'm in Washington, DC and Virginia and see the flowers planted along the George Washington Parkway and Rock Creek Parkway.

God bless.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Dallas - Irving, Texas

Back in Dallas/Irving, Texas. It is hot and humid. But I guess that shouldn't be any surprise.

This week's car rental is a Cadillac STS! Sweet ride. I got Neverlost, the Hertz navigation system, so I could get around town. Unfortunately the Neverlost doesn't work and there seems like possibly other electrical problems. I'm going to try getting a different vehicle tomorrow.

I'm staying at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas. It is a huge hotel complex. I'm on the 26th floor of the Tower wing with a beautiful view of downtown Dallas.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Minneapolis this week

Staying home this holiday week. Walked downtown on Sunday and passed the dandelion fountain in Loring Park. I've always loved this fountain.

Toronto and the rest of southeast Kansas has gotten so much rain the cabin where we stayed Memorial Weekend is surrounded by water! That's the cabin on the right side of the blog. The water was probably 12 or 15 below there just at the end of May!