Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Sir John Soane by candlelight

The first Tuesday of the month the Sir John Soane Museum is open late and is the interior is lit using candlelight. I thought it would an interesting chance to see what it would have been like way back when.

I went straight from work and arrived about 6:30pm. Well, Helene and Nick, the line we waited in was super short compared to the one last night. I waited almost an hour and a half for my turn. I must say I was glad I had seen it in daylight. While there was electric lights on through out and the candlelight was indeed beautiful, it was definitely hard to take in all the pieces and colours and architecture without the daylight.

I'm definitely glad I went. The breakfast room in #13 with the mirrors in the starfish ceiling and the mirrors in the wall panels was lovely by candlelight. I think they may have been the only room that was just candles. The front room of #14 with the red walls was also very lovely.

Helene and Nick you'll be glad to hear I found it straight-away. I took the Underground to Holborn and when I got up to street level I went to the right. Then following my instructions to always turn around and go the opposite way from my instinct, I headed in the other direction. I saw the alley way next to the tube stop which looked vaguely familiar. There was the Shipyard's pub and I knew I was headed in the right direction. Brilliant!

I, of course, stopped at the Shipyard's Pub on my way back to the tube. It is Best of England Ale month at the Shipyard's. I had an Old Century ale. It was tasty.

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