Monday, September 19, 2016

Another busy weekend. Running, walking, cycling, bowling

Another busy weekend started with my usual run Saturday morning to meet the gals for coffee at Starbucks in St. Louis Park. I need to get some running miles in before the Twin Cities Marathon 10 miler in October.

Saturday evening was the Chinese Lantern Lighting ceremony at Lakewood Cemetery. Lakewood is about five blocks from my house so I walked over. Lakewood is a very large and old cemetery near lakes Calhoun and Harriet.

Kay and Christine drew and wrote on their lanterns. I wrote on the bases.

Our lanterns weren't floating out into the lake so I waded in to encourage them along.
I had not visited the cemetery's chapel. It is famous for the glass mosaics. This is a photo of the ceiling. It was stunning in the artificial light.
Early Sunday, Jenny and I rode the intermediate route (25 miles) of the Minneapolis Parks Bike Tour. It was a perfectly gorgeous day.

Sunday evening was the start of Sunday Goers bowling league. After all that I had already done this weekend, I thought bowling a 172 and 173 was pretty good. The third game was only a 115.

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