Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Visit with mom

Some of you may not know that my mom has been in the hospital lately. She is home now and on hospice care.

She first went in the hospital about 3 weeks ago for 3 or 4 day. She was sent home with medication for coronary heart disease. She has two major blockages and an aneurism. She was only home for a few days and had to go back to hospital.

The second hospital stay was a total of 7 days. She is home now with my niece Kathy staying with her and a hospice nurse and aide visiting occasionally.

I visited her while she was in the hospital the second time and the first days of this last home stay.
Sunrise at the MSP airport waiting to fly to DCA

I picked up my brother John from Union Station downtown DC

We passed the new Museum of African American Culture and History

For the first time ever, I stopped to see the Abingdon House site at National Airport.

I have passed the site dozens of times over the decades. The moments of reflection were very welcomed.

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