Thursday, June 16, 2016

Jill's big birthday bash (lots of photos)

I traveled to Ashland, Oregon for my friend Jill's big birthday event. She is celebrating her 60th birthday this year. I don't think she would mind me telling her age. She looks and feels fabulous. And she has friends and family that were more than willing to share the festivities.

I flew into Medford, Oregon on Saturday. I had a layover in Seattle for a few hours. My niece Gracie picked me up at the airport and we had time to have breakfast away from the airport. That was a special treat.

Jill's dad, Dave, picked me up at the airport and we drove to Jill's beautiful home in Ashland. Ashland is in the Rogue Valley in southern Oregon. The climate is fantastic. Jill's yard is colorfully filled with flowers, trees, shrubs and vines. When Jill got home from her matinee, we went to dinner at Caldera, a brew pub.

Saturday evening Jill and I sat in the back of the outdoor theater to watch the first act of The Wiz. It is a cute production with tons of costumes! It was getting cool but felt so nice after the heat and humidity of Minneapolis.

Sunday I went to the matinee of Jill's show, The Yeoman of the Guard. This production of the Gilbert and Sullivan musical uses a country music theme. The actors are on stage all the time and so is part of the audience. Jill got me a regular seat so I did not have to "participate" which is what I prefer. The production is very fast and fun. I enjoyed it very much.

Jill's Aunt Ellen drove down from Salem for the birthday. The weather Sunday was fantastic. I went for a run. I was planning 3 or 4 miles and ended up at almost 8! We drove up to Mt. Ashland and walked the Pacific Crest Trail. Stunning. There was still some snow in places but there were flowers blooming and little streams streaming. The vistas of the Cascade range are just incredible. It was a perfect day to be up in the mountains.

We went to the evening performance of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. It was in the indoor space. The director set this production in 1920's Hollywood. It was beautiful and had lots of music. I enjoyed this show, also.
Birthday cake with Jill's bird, James Taylor.

Monday was the big party being thrown by Jill's long time friends Robin and Tony Heald. They have a lovely home in Ashland with a swimming pool. The view out over the pool is incredible. So many of Jill's friends and co-workers were there and Alicia, her daughter, with the two grandkids.

Robin, Tony and Alicia spoke a few words. Alicia had us all tearing up. It was a lovely party.

Ellen took Jill and I to breakfast Tuesday morning. Ellen went to the matinee of Great Expectations and then left for home. Jill and I went to Dave's place in Medford. Jill and Dave call it the fort but it is far from one. It is senior apartments. There is a central courtyard, restaurant, party rooms, library, etc. The staff is so so nice. We spent a long time with Dave and his friends. I help set up his tv so he could get Netflix and other streaming shows. We watched Jerry Seinfield and President Obama on Crackle's Comedians Driving in Cars Getting Coffee.

Tuesday night Jill and I ate in Ashland then once back at her house finally watched The Tony Awards. We were both exhausted, enjoyed the show, but thought it was lackluster. It, of course, was from Sunday - the evening of the tragedy in Orlando.

I flew back home on Wednesday -- a day long series of flights....ugh. Jill and I always have such a good time. I cherish our times together.

Alicia with Talon and Aiyana

Jill with birthday flowers from Jay and Penny

Me in Tony and Robin's pool. Look at that view!
Jill with her dad, Dave, and friends.
Just a sampling of Jill's beautiful flowers.
James Taylor bird aka JamesTayBird

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