Thursday, December 3, 2015

Cozumel Urgent Care

I figured the title would get people's attention. I was wondering what I would do yesterday, Wednesday, when the decision was made for me.

Dave had not been feeling well since Monday evening during dinner. He was having abdominal pain and not the intestinal kind that you generally associate with Mexico. Turns out my AT&T service plan applies in Mexico so I had him call his health insurance and nurse hotline. It was decided he should see a doctor and the insurance company recommended a clinic on the island.

We checked with the hotel concierge who call the hotel doctor. Dr. Piccolo (great name) said to meet him at the same clinic the insurance had recommended.

To make the story short, Dave had blood taken, an ultra sound, an x-ray and met with a digestive specialist along with Dr. Piccolo. Appendicitis was ruled out after the ultra sound. White blood cell count was high which indicated infection.

The specialist has prescribed some medications to help and said Dave should start feeling better nearly right away. As of this morning, he is a lot perkier. Will keep everyone posted but he seems to be on the mend. Dr. Piccolo and the staff at the urgent care were wonderful. There is lots more to the story to tell.

Meanwhile, I did go snorkeling on Tuesday afternoon. After drifting quite a ways up shore, I was thinking I wasn't going to be able to swim back against the current. Once I finally got close to shore I finally made progress. Ended up having quite the workout.
Happier times.

Jellyfish are fascinating.

This is the life.

Sunset under the umbrellas.

1 comment:

GeeCee said...

Jeez, that's an adventure you don't want to have. Wish Dave a speedy recovery, and tell me all the gorey details the second you get back. Snow should be gone by then!