Saturday, December 5, 2015

Cozumel, rainy days

First off. Dave is doing much much better. The medicine the digestive specialist prescribed has been working. We are now back in the states at Charlotte airport waiting for flight to MSP.

It rained a good part of each day Wednesday, Thursday and Friday but we made the most of it.

Thursday we went into town and had late breakfast at the museum restaurant overlooking the ocean. Our waiter was very cute. He put the Santa hat on me.

We then went shopping before the rain started up in the afternoon.

Thursday evening we ate at a new place for us, La Perlita. They serve lion fish which is an invasive species in the Caribbean . There are promotions to encourage the consumption of lion fish to encourage fishermen to kill them. It is a very good tasting white fish.

Friday we rented a car and went to east coast where it was sunny and hot.

On the way back to west coast we stopped in El Cedral, a place I have never been. It is kind of a suburb of San Miguel and has a Mayan ruin. I paid $5 to get my photo taken with this handsome man in Mayan warrior costume.

The town is kind of eerie with lovely homes that don't appear to have any inhabitants

Friday night we ate at Casa Mission. One of our favorite places.

El Cedral ruin. There is just the one building.

Casa Mission Christmas tree

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