Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Cozumel, Mexico

I am back in Cozumel for my annual after Thanksgiving holiday. Arrived Saturday afternoon after a very early departure from Minneapolis. My friend Dave is with me again this year. This is trip three for him.

We connected via Miami. There were maybe 12 people on the flight! JT and Linda are also here again this year. They took United through Chicago and landed about an hour before us. They greeted us in the Coral Princess lobby.

Last year's  construction project is nearly complete. I say 'nearly' because they were installing the outdoor showers yesterday and this morning a jack hammer was tearing up something.

The WiFi is very sketchy. Everyone has a smartphone or other WiFi device so I think the system is just overloaded.

The Ironman competition was Sunday again. We watched and cheered on and off all day long. Dave and I got to see the lead competitors finish  the 112 mile bike leg and transition to the 26.2 mile run. The weather was hot and windy. These athletes are such an inspiration. It is also great to see the support that the local community provides to all the competitors.
new beach umbrellas

JT and Linda. And the palm tree wall.

Iguana for Alisha

Boat captains!


GeeCee said...

It snowed here. Two or three inches of wet, heavy snnow. Whoo. Hoo. No need for you to hurry back, believe me.

GeeCee said...

Oh! The palm tree wall is beautiful!!