Thursday, July 30, 2015

So I have it recorded on my timeline...

Had the briefest (thank goodness) of kidney stone incidents last night/this morning. I woke up a bit before 2:30 am in a mean sweat and needing to use the bathroom. Soon after I realized I was having another kidney stone.

The sweating and the feeling of an elephant sitting on my lower back are the signs I have gotten accustomed to unfortunately. I pretty much decided it was not worth going to the emergency room. Been there. Done that. There isn't anything medical they can do other than provide me pain relief. I still have pain pills from the last go round and could use them if necessary. I also still have the filter to use to try to catch the damn thing.

I did finally have to really go so stood at the toilet for a bit. Not sure any stone actually materialized but the pain went away and I was back in bed and asleep by 2:45am! I am thankful this episode was so very short.

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