Thursday, July 23, 2015

Garden update

The raspberries are nearly done and friends have thankfully picked most of the currants. The cauliflower was fantastic as was the spinach. I planted the beets in the wrong place. They are almost completely shaded by the Japanese peony and the tomato plants.

the ripening tomato
Speaking of tomatoes, there are a couple that are ripening. Yay! The three plants have lots of fruit on them. I haven't had much success with tomatoes in the last few years so I am super excited to get three bearing plants.

peppers - green now...waiting to ripen orange
Same with peppers. I was about to give up on trying to get any produce and this year did not start out promising. One of the plants was getting eaten up by something. Now all three plants have at least one big pepper (they are supposed to eventually turn orange) so I should have enough to freeze some.

caged strawnerries
This year I am getting strawberries. I did purchase two additional plants and the new ones along with last year's two are producing. It is kind of late for strawberries but I am certainly not complaining. I think the birds were eating everything last year so I have caged the plants.

a couple of apple branches
The apple tree is once again drooping heavily with lots of fruit. I always lose some when I hit the branches mowing and from trying to keep them propped up. I made a smoothie with a few of the green apples. Added some honey and cardamom with coconut milk and protein powder for a refreshing protein shake.

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