Thursday, July 9, 2015

July 4th (finally)

Sorry for being so late on July 4gt activity blog entry. Been busy working on my new business and painting the back porch.

Got up very early Saturday to run half of a half marathon. Trish and I were a relay pair. Michelle and Jon were another relay pair. Molly was running the full half marathon. The costume theme was patriotic.

The run started at 6:30am. Brunch was at 9am at The Mill Northeast. My ex-trainer Kaitlin joined us for brunch. It was great to see her. She now lives in California and made a quick trip to Minnesota.

 The Taylor's graciously opened their house, deck and pontoon boat again this year for the 4th celebrations. There was a lot of people and a lot of food (taco bar).

Tiffani was appointed this year's Statue of Liberty boat ornament for the boat parade.

I was exhausted from the early run followed by running errands including a complicated excursion to Malmborg's.

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