Sunday, January 25, 2015

Bunny trails

From the looks of it my backyard is the rabbit Grand Central Station. This actually may just be one bunny bit I recently saw two which pretty much guarantees there soon will be more.

If the giant eagle that I saw fly over the other day returns, there may be a bunny reduction in force though.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Twenty-five years

Twenty-five years ago my brother, Bill, died from AIDS. He lived in Hollywood, California. I was fortunate to spend a couple of months with him and was with him when he passed away. I remember him every single day.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Flying kites to celebrate a birthday

I have a great group of friends who are willing to participate in some wild ideas. This year's Lake Harriet Kite Festival was on my birthday so I thought that would a fun event. Not only would we fly kites but we would make our own kites.

I made a kite using help from YouTube earlier in the week. I hosted breakfast at my house and then we made three more kites. It was challenging and fun.

I ordered wrapping paper from Shutterfly that I designed from photos of me and friends. Absolutely love love this paper.

Frankie helps hold the paper in place.

On Lake Harriet with our kites.

It flew for a few seconds before the cross-stick snapped.
Some of the successful commercial kites. There were lots of kites and lots of people out on the lake. It was so beautiful in many ways.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Daddy's pretty girl

Uno's hair is coming back so I took her to her groomed, Leah. Everyone at the groomer's loves Uno... even when she fakes her irritation.

ok, enough with the photos, dad

Saturday, January 10, 2015

A cold week

It is January so it shouldn't be a surprise but this past week has been a cold one. Below zero every morning and super wind-chills. Thursday it 'warmed' into the teens and snowed. Only three inches but it was and is so cold that the snow doesn't melt on the roads or sidewalks,

Lots of accidents due to ice and snow. My bus ride home on Thursday was interrupted by a multi-car incident at Hennepin and Franklin. The intersection was blocked by several cars and a truck so the bus was not going anywhere. I couldn't tell who did what but it was a mess. I walked and jogged a ways before catching another bus that uses a different route.

Today was the warmest in several so went for a run with another person from my running group.



Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Bike overhaul

I finally got the timing correct and took my bicycle to Penn Cycle and their half-priced overhaul. Also any additional parts or accessories are installed without labor costs.

I ended up with a new chain and rear wheel due to wear and new hand grips because the old ones sucked.

My bike was so clean and fresh looking that I didn't recognize the tires.

Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 running medals

Many thanks to the Running For Brunch crew for keeping me in the to speak.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Polar Dash

Kicked off 2015 with a 5k along the Mississippi River. Trish and Molly joined me this year. The temperature was so much better... high 20's versus below zero last year.

Holiday festivities

Rose, Michael, Megan and Roxie came over for Christmas day. We ate tasty ham that Michael prepared along with yams, brussel sprouts and several apple desserts.

On Saturday, I saw the movie Into The Woods with Christine, Rose, Megan and Michael.

On Sunday Christine and I met Kay at the Minneapolis Art Institute to see the Italian Style exhibit. Beautiful clothes and designs from post World War II to present day.
Christine, Kay and me at MIA
Sunday night I met Jennifer and Michael at Trygg's to hear their favorite singer, Dan, perform with Reuben.

On Tuesday Jennifer and Michael Coté hosted a pre-New Year's Eve dinner party. Lots of good food and fun.
Rose, JT and Loretta

crazy me with Michael and Jennifer

Jennifer and Dave

crazy selfie with me and Megan