Thursday, January 1, 2015

Holiday festivities

Rose, Michael, Megan and Roxie came over for Christmas day. We ate tasty ham that Michael prepared along with yams, brussel sprouts and several apple desserts.

On Saturday, I saw the movie Into The Woods with Christine, Rose, Megan and Michael.

On Sunday Christine and I met Kay at the Minneapolis Art Institute to see the Italian Style exhibit. Beautiful clothes and designs from post World War II to present day.
Christine, Kay and me at MIA
Sunday night I met Jennifer and Michael at Trygg's to hear their favorite singer, Dan, perform with Reuben.

On Tuesday Jennifer and Michael Coté hosted a pre-New Year's Eve dinner party. Lots of good food and fun.
Rose, JT and Loretta

crazy me with Michael and Jennifer

Jennifer and Dave

crazy selfie with me and Megan

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