Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Turns out there is an entire brand of treats that Uno will not even try!  My little girl will eat pretty much anything... popcorn, chicken, peanut butter, yogurt, cottage cheese.

I had earlier purchased some beef treats that she turned her nose at. I thought it was the beef.  Her normal treats are salmon, tuna and chicken flavored from Purina.  The store didn't have the kitties' usual treats so I got three different brands and flavors.

The Party Mix from Friskies were accepted and gobbled down. I tried a salmon flavor from Whiskas' Temptations. Uno would have nothing to do with them.  That is the same brand as the beef flavored she did not care for. So I need to remember never to get Whiskas brand treats. I get the evil eye when treats are late let alone when Uno deems them inedible.

On the other hand, Frankie has no problem with any of them. He inhales them all... which kind of defeats the tartar control effect the treats are supposed to have.

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