Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Back at Coral Princess in Cozumel, Mexico. Same time this year as last... right after Thanksgiving.  My friend David Moen came with me this time. It is his first trip to east side of Mexico.

Flew from Minneapolis to Dallas then Dallas to Cozumel all on American Airlines. Everything went smoothly. Amazingly, I still have Gold status on AA from all my work travel to Dallas so I flew first/business class.

The Cozumel Ironman competition was on Sunday. We arrived on Monday.  The women's Ironman winner, Rachel Joyce, is staying at Coral Princess. I met her just after she finished a swim in front of the hotel.

There are other competitors staying at the hotel, too. One handsome man from Vancouver said the conditions were tough:  strong current during the swim; 20 mile per hour head winds during the bike segment; and monsoon rains with big, deep puddles in the marathon running segment.

Went for a run Tuesday morning. I need to get re-acclimated to heat and humidity. I struggled to do 5k.

Had dinner at the hotel Monday night after a crazy happy hour. I don't know if it was because of the travelling or what but the two margaritas had Dave and I loopy. He actually doesn't remember meeting and talking with this couple while they played some kind of scrabble game. Ha!

Tuesday went downtown for dinner at Pancho's Backyard. I had grilled beefsteak - rare -- which in Spanish is "vivo". It was fantastic.


Jill said...

Reminiscing on every glorious moment there last year. Ah the happy hour....very potent. I never laugh so much as when I a with you my friend. Have a swim for me. Xo

Joey B said...

Enjoy the season!

Aunt Donna said...

You really chose a great time to leave Minnesota with all that snow that's hit now! I'll always remember the 2009 trip to Cozumel when we celebrated your birthday! Thanks again for inviting me! Enjoy your stay!