Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Jill's visit

Jill Rendall and her dad, Dave, came to Minnesota for the holidays. Jill spent time with me after Mom went home. She got to visit with old ands new friends.

We spent Monday evening going to Global Market, the Mall of America, Sea Life at MOA, and finally at Szechuan Spice for a late dinner.

The gang at Old Chicago on Plymouth for the Vikings game 

Global Market-a swedish pastry

Global Market mural

Mall of America giant Christmas tree

At Sea Life

swimming with the fish

another Chinese meal - Szchuan Spice

Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas with Mom

Mom came for Christmas this year. I was so happy she decided to spend Christmas in Minneapolis. She has been here before for the holidays so she knows of Martha's Polish Christmas Eve gathering.

We have had a very cold December with just enough snow. Mom arrived on Saturday and that evening we went to 'Sisters of Swing' at the Minnesota History Theater. We met Amy, Loretta, Kathy, JT and Linda there. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the show. It is about the Andrews Sisters who were born on Minnesota.

Sunday we met Amy, Loretta and Bunny at Old Chicago in Plymouth to watch the Vikings game. Monday I worked from home and we cooked. We made meatless chili and apple cake. Monday was a particularly cold day so mom didn't go out.

Tuesday morning we baked Christmas cookies. We made the light and dark dough recipes that I had gotten from her. These make a lot of cookies. We set up an assembly line to get them all done. Tuesday evening was Christmas Eve at Martha's. I won't go into the details. We had a wonderful time with great food, great friends and great laughs.

live tree from Lea and Tim
Wednesday, Christmas day, we made an apple pie with frozen apples from my apple tree. And we made eye of round, dinner rolls, celery and carrots and heated up the meatless chili... for dinner with Rose and Roxie. We all watched sappy Hallmark Channel movies. It was a great Christmas. I was exhausted.

Thursday I worked from home again. I did get mom to take a little walk to my barbershop. The sidewalks were well shoveled and it wasn't too cold. I think she was glad to get out for a bit. In the evening we went to the movies. We saw 'The Secret Life of Walter Middy'. I enjoyed it tremendously. We had dinner at the movie house.

Friday, mom returned to Virginia.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas nativity

My new nativity from Dave Moen and our trip to Cozumel.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Painted sky

View from12th floor office tower.
With a high in the low 70's, a run seemed necessary

Monday, December 16, 2013

Business Trip ?!

A kind of unexpected business trip back to Denver this week. I was supposed to come out here last week but the weather delay coming back from Cozumel put the kibosh on that trip.

Denver is all decked out for Christmas... looking pretty much the same as last year.
Denver 2012

And back at one of my favorite hotels... The Curtis.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

December 5k

The last Running For Brunch 5k of the year. This one was up north in St. Michael, MN. We won the costume contest with a "snowbirds" outfits. It has been a super fun year of runs.
I was 6th in my age group, 50-59, and 46 overall and 28th in men's overall division.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Some more Cozumel photos

Had another wonder-filled trip to Cozumel, Mexico.
Feliz Navidad
Dave enjoying the view before heading to the airport.

The view.
Very large hibiscus blossom 

A beautiful leaf gleeming in the sun

Monday, December 9, 2013

Extra day in Cozumel

First of all... I just got back from dinner and the staff greeted us joking about taking our photo. Turns out I left my camera on the beach and one of the staff found it. They figured out it was mine and made sure that it was returned to me. It wasn't only the honesty but the fun the staff had getting it back to me that makes coming to Coral Princess and Cozumel what I so look forward to.

The day was already a special day because we were supposed to fly back home today but because of an ice storm in Dallas all flights were canceled and we ended up staying an extra day.  In addition I saw a giant black sting ray directly off the hotel reef. Not only did I see it, I swam with it.

I was so amazed to see this magnificent animal, the pictures are rather goofy.

And the evening's sunset...

We went downtown for dinner. The Christmas tree at the pier has been being assembled all week and tonight was the official lighting.  But better than the lighting (the tree is actually kind of ugly) was the children's choir that sang "Silent Night". It kind of brought tears to Dave and my eyes.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Random Cozumel

I spent Friday, all day, at the hotel just relaxing. I did go for one run but mostly read my book, went snorkeling and napped.  Glorious.

Dave went into town and shopped.

Saturday we rented a car and drove around the island. The east coast with the sandy beaches and waves and wind is amazingly beautiful. It has been changed by Wilma the hurricane a few years ago but the roads have been much improved.

We had dinner at Fratelli's. Jill and I had been invited to this Italian restaurant last year. The food and service are very good and the atmosphere is quiet and peaceful.

My new favorite snorkel photo.

Sunset means happy hour.

Dave and his creche.

The east coast.

Some beefcake!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Chankanaab and our Odyssey adventure

Wednesday we went to Chankanaab the national marine park and beach. Every year there is more and more things to do and see... the bad thing about that is the place is rather like a theme park... the good thing is it is being well maintained.

The $21.00 USD admission fee now includes a tour of the marine mammal enclosure. We got to see the dolphins and learn their names and some stories about them. We also got to see the three manatees that are part of the collection. The manatees are so cute... and huge.

On Thursday we planned a mainland trip to see Mayan cultural sites (aka ruins). Dave booked the trip through Pedro and Alex at Coral Princess. We were to catch the 7am ferry to Playa del Carmen and meet the Odyssey Adventures representative at Senor Frogs at the end of the Playa pier.

Dave's perseverance paid off as he found the Odyssey guy. He did not have us on any list. He had us follow him to a Chinese takeout off the main street and said there would be another couple joining us but they weren't coming until 8:45am. We should come back by 8:25 in case they were early and the van would then be there to take us to Tulum and Cuba.  There as no other couple and the van showed up around 8:45. It was all very impromptu from this point on.

Our driver, a very nice gentleman who went by the nickname M&M, did not have a clue, spoke little English, and desperately did not want to be out and about with two gringos. In spite of the "issues" Dave and I had a good time, learned a lot about the Mayan culture and saw some amazing sites.

Coba - Church #1 (24 meters tall)

Coba - Nu Muh (41 meters)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Back at Coral Princess in Cozumel, Mexico. Same time this year as last... right after Thanksgiving.  My friend David Moen came with me this time. It is his first trip to east side of Mexico.

Flew from Minneapolis to Dallas then Dallas to Cozumel all on American Airlines. Everything went smoothly. Amazingly, I still have Gold status on AA from all my work travel to Dallas so I flew first/business class.

The Cozumel Ironman competition was on Sunday. We arrived on Monday.  The women's Ironman winner, Rachel Joyce, is staying at Coral Princess. I met her just after she finished a swim in front of the hotel.

There are other competitors staying at the hotel, too. One handsome man from Vancouver said the conditions were tough:  strong current during the swim; 20 mile per hour head winds during the bike segment; and monsoon rains with big, deep puddles in the marathon running segment.

Went for a run Tuesday morning. I need to get re-acclimated to heat and humidity. I struggled to do 5k.

Had dinner at the hotel Monday night after a crazy happy hour. I don't know if it was because of the travelling or what but the two margaritas had Dave and I loopy. He actually doesn't remember meeting and talking with this couple while they played some kind of scrabble game. Ha!

Tuesday went downtown for dinner at Pancho's Backyard. I had grilled beefsteak - rare -- which in Spanish is "vivo". It was fantastic.